General Information
Faculty of Science
20-21 November 2019
09:00 am
This meeting was born some months ago when some of the members of the current organizing committee were talking about how disconnected we were from other branches of physics. More specifically, we realized that, while we knew about the research done by the members of our groups and some collaborators in the Campus, we were not aware of the vast majority of the topics that other PhD researchers in the UAB were working on.
The main objective of this meeting is to provide a big picture of all the research in Physics at the PhD level that is done in the UAB and surrounding institutes. With this aim, the meeting will consist mainly of short talks (10'+3') from PhD researchers and three keynote talks from international invited speakers of general interest, as well as a poster session.
The meeting will take place from the 20th of November at 9 am to the 21st of November at 1 pm in the Faculty of Science of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (the room will be soon announced with the programme).
Submit your Abstract
Fill the form below to submit your abstract, stating whether you prefer an oral or a poster presentation. We would like to stress that this is an interdisciplinar congress and as such it is preferable to introduce the topic rather than presenting results. (It is an oportunity for us the PhD students to know what are we doing and it should be taken advantage of).
The deadline for the abstract submission is the 8th of November and we will let you know if you have been selected before the 13th of November (one week prior to the event).
Important remarks:
- The oral presentations should last 10' plus 3' for short questions.
- If you have requested an oral contribution and your abstract is not selected for it, your abstract will automatically be taken into account as a poster contribution. If you do not want so, please include the phrasing "ONLY ORAL" at beginning of the abstract.
- If you want to present an oral AND a poster contribution, submit your abstract as an oral contribution. If your work is selected, we will contact you to ask wether you would like to also present a poster or not.
Organizing Committee
Statistical Physics
Albert Beardo Ricol
Javier Cristín Redondo
Axel Masó Puigdellosas
Josep Castell Queralt
Leonardo González Gómez
High Energy Physics
Jan Ollé Aguilera
Get in touch
Facultat de Ciències,Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona